Saturday, March 28, 2009

I want to ride my bicycle

I got a new bicycle today. I was a bit nervous riding at first, but you know what they say...It came right back to me. I even let Tim ride a bit :) He ordered a trike that should be ready in a few days. I can't wait until we both have bikes and can ride around the neighborhood together. More soon!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Rash update

So I am almost completely rid of the hideous rash, yeah! I am feeling a lot better now that I am off the antibiotics and based on how quickly the rash went away I am certain that they were the culprit.
I still think doctors (human doctors/MDs that is) are not good with people and have very little if any compassion. I ended up calling the specialist's office about a dozen times over the past 2 days as the bumps on my arm began to join forces to create one giant super splotch, but got no response. Oddly, last night around 9:45 (PM), the specialist called me, apparently he got the message that I had left more than 36 hours prior and wanted to check on me--or at least wanted to check me off some follow up sheet that his secretary created for him. He never asked how the rash was, he never asked how I was feeling, he just confirmed that I had stopped the antibiotics and told me that it was a good idea to stop taking them (well, duh...that wasn't even an issue, you couldn't get me to take more of those if you paid me).
It's strange, you would think that getting a phone call from a doctor late at night would make me think hmm, maybe he does care, but he was just too busy to call earlier, but no. His attitude on the phone made me think that he was only calling because his lack of follow up with someone who is have a serious reaction to a drug he prescribed could be considered malpractice. It's sad. As a veterinarian, I know that patients deserve better. We treat dogs better than he has treated me. One more reason why I am glad that I am a veterinarian and not an MD.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hives (aka I hate doctors)

So I've been on antibiotics for 10 days now to treat a sinus infection that was apparently present on an MRI which was done for a completely unrelated issue. I have been a good little patient and taken my antibiotics despite not really feeling any different/better from them. On Sunday, I started feeling pukey, but being the good patient, I have persevered and taken my antibiotics twice daily as instructed. I am now covered in hives. So, being a good patient, I call my GP to try and schedule an appointment to discuss said hideous rash and see if discontinuing the antibiotics is the appropriate course of action. Yeah...not so much...she can't see me until April 6th. Hmm, I wonder if I'll still have hives on April 6th?? I laugh at the scheduler, she gets mad, hangs up on me, fine whatever. I then decide to call the ENT doc's office to get advice, since he prescribed the evil stomach gnashing, rash causing toxin in the first place. I call at 8:10, I get an answering service and the lady talks to me like a retarded child because the office doesn't open until 8:00 and my problem is not an emergency. "I know it isn't, I called after 8:00" I say. "Well ma'am I don't know what to tell you, they did not answer their phone and I cannot help you". Kiss my butt doctors!! And for Tim and Susanne I will add--I AM A PROFESSIONAL DAMMIT AND THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fun with the Wide-angle lens

So Tim got a new wide angle lens this week and I decided to steal it and take a couple of pictures. Brewster (Brew) and Patra-kitty were kind enough to pose for me. I think that they came out pretty good!

Who is Brew anyway?

For those of you who don't know, Brew is my first born fur-child. He is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and I adopted him when I got my first apartment after college. He had been abused by his original owner so he was a bit skittish at first, but not anymore. He is lovable and sweet. I don't know anyone who has met Brew and not loved him. Brew moved to St. Kitts with me when I moved there for vet school. He had to stay behind for the first 10 weeks until his rabies titers came back good but then he was off to the tropics and he really loved it there. We had a big fenced in yard where he could chase the tennis ball to his heart's content. Brew is now about 8 1/2 years old. He is almost completely deaf, but he still loves to chase the ball. He will get up in my face and bark until I throw the ball. Sometimes he barks so hard, his front feet come of the floor and I can't help but laugh at him. Brew is a good boy :)